If you are interested in making improvements to how your board works, your board-executive director relationship, or even how your organization connects with the broader community, governance coaching is worth considering as a change strategy. For board chairs and executive director pairs, the key players in this model, coaching can:
- Support the leaders to act in ways that will help their organization to be governed more successfully
- Provide the leaders with a confidential and “safe space” for honest conversation and for identifying practical strategies for achieving specific governance goals
- Aid in planning, executing and assessing one or more small interventions over a short period of time
- Address both the interpersonal and professional challenges of leadership.
Coaching sessions tend to be easy to schedule and can take place in person in an informal setting or at a distance with the help of online technologies like Zoom.
Coaching can emphasize an experiential or action/reflection approach to change. Small actions, even just initiating some “need to have” conversations, can lead to improvements.
The coaching model I like to use involves at least 4 meetings that can be spread over a year and therefore 4 or 5 board meetings. Coaching sessions with the board chair and ED could look like this:
- Introductions, expectations and identification of governance improvement interests & options. Agreement on coaching relationship.
- Identification of initial improvements to be attempted, coaching on approach and time frame for specific actions, setting dates for follow-up meetings
- Reflection on actions taken, results achieved, identification, of additional actions to be taken by the executive director and/or the board chair
- Reflection of progress, decision to continue coaching, if yes, selection of next improvement measures and time frame.
If you are an a board chair, an executive director or a consultant and are interested in working with this approach you are welcome to get in touch with me via the “Contact” page. I have more detailed outline of the model and would be happy to share it.