I have had a long interest in non-profit governance and leadership as an adult educator. Over much of my career I have had the pleasure to have worked with, and learn from, executive directors and board members. They have been from organizations seeking to advance adult literacy, support persons with disabilities, and provide parental help and resources.
The dynamics of teams and groups has always interested me. Hence, my attraction to board-executive director relationships and meeting processes.
For more than 25 years I was privileged to have served in various research and teaching roles at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I started out working in the area of urban and regional studies and later got involved in a unit, once named Henson College, dedicated to supporting community-based development. Early on I also became very interested in supporting non-profit leadership as well as helping develop negotiation and conflict resolution skills through continuing education courses. In my later years at Dalhousie I taught organizational behaviour to undergraduate management students.
I have served on a number of boards as a volunteer director. I am currently on the board of the Ecology Action Centre. EAC, is a membership-based organization with a staff of over 40 working to advance the cause of environmental sustainability in Nova Scotia. I am also on the board of my local neighbourhood association, an all-volunteer group.
I continue to work on a part-time basis mostly in a coaching capacity. I have put some of my expertise to work serving as an ArtsVest mentor. This has provided me with the chance to meet (via Zoom) with board and staff members of nearly a dozen small arts organizations including, for example, a local community arts council, a community museum and a theatre group.
I grew up in Saint John, New Brunswick, attended Saint John High School, the University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie and the University of Toronto. I am married to Susan and have two lovely adult daughters and, as of 2024, 4 grandchildren all under 5. We also have a dog, a lively 10-year old border collie, Gracie. I also enjoy biking, hiking, canoeing, gardening, and cooking.
Editors Note: Non-profit, nonprofit or not-for-profit? The spelling of the term varies. In Canada, non-profit is most common although the more emphatic term, not-for-profit is also used. Nonprofit, without the hyphen, is decidedly American. I do not think it really matters beyond consistency. Terms like voluntary sector, the social sector, the community sector, the third sector (some UK influence here) and others also get used. I am sticking with non-profit.